full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Anant Agarwal: Why massive open online courses (still) matter

Unscramble the Blue Letters

It's also been a real iusse in terms of access. So what you see here is not a rock cncoert. And the person you see at the end of the stage is not Madonna. This is a classroom at the Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria. Now, we've all heard of distance education, but the students way in the back, 200 feet away from the instructor, I think they are undergoing long-distance etcuidoan. Now, I really believe that we can transform education, both in quality and scale and access, through technology. For example, at edX, we are trying to transform education through online technologies. Given education has been calcified for 500 years, we really cannot think about reengineering it, micromanaging it. We really have to ceptemloly rigimeane it. It's like going from ox crtas to the airplane. Even the infrastructure has to change. Everything has to change. We need to go from leucters on the blackboard to online exercises, onnlie videos. We have to go to interactive viurtal laboratories and gamification. We have to go to completely online gndraig and peer interaction and discussion boards. Everything really has to change.

Open Cloze

It's also been a real _____ in terms of access. So what you see here is not a rock _______. And the person you see at the end of the stage is not Madonna. This is a classroom at the Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria. Now, we've all heard of distance education, but the students way in the back, 200 feet away from the instructor, I think they are undergoing long-distance _________. Now, I really believe that we can transform education, both in quality and scale and access, through technology. For example, at edX, we are trying to transform education through online technologies. Given education has been calcified for 500 years, we really cannot think about reengineering it, micromanaging it. We really have to __________ _________ it. It's like going from ox _____ to the airplane. Even the infrastructure has to change. Everything has to change. We need to go from ________ on the blackboard to online exercises, ______ videos. We have to go to interactive _______ laboratories and gamification. We have to go to completely online _______ and peer interaction and discussion boards. Everything really has to change.


  1. concert
  2. carts
  3. virtual
  4. education
  5. online
  6. completely
  7. issue
  8. reimagine
  9. lectures
  10. grading

Original Text

It's also been a real issue in terms of access. So what you see here is not a rock concert. And the person you see at the end of the stage is not Madonna. This is a classroom at the Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria. Now, we've all heard of distance education, but the students way in the back, 200 feet away from the instructor, I think they are undergoing long-distance education. Now, I really believe that we can transform education, both in quality and scale and access, through technology. For example, at edX, we are trying to transform education through online technologies. Given education has been calcified for 500 years, we really cannot think about reengineering it, micromanaging it. We really have to completely reimagine it. It's like going from ox carts to the airplane. Even the infrastructure has to change. Everything has to change. We need to go from lectures on the blackboard to online exercises, online videos. We have to go to interactive virtual laboratories and gamification. We have to go to completely online grading and peer interaction and discussion boards. Everything really has to change.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
online courses 3
blended model 3
millennial generation 3
instant feedback 3
green check 3
reimagine education 2
real issue 2
big number 2
interactive exercises 2
high school 2
failure rate 2
key ideas 2
students learn 2
check mark 2
online labs 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
green check mark 2

Important Words

  1. access
  2. airplane
  3. awolowo
  4. blackboard
  5. boards
  6. calcified
  7. carts
  8. change
  9. classroom
  10. completely
  11. concert
  12. discussion
  13. distance
  14. education
  15. edx
  16. exercises
  17. feet
  18. gamification
  19. grading
  20. heard
  21. infrastructure
  22. instructor
  23. interaction
  24. interactive
  25. issue
  26. laboratories
  27. lectures
  28. madonna
  29. micromanaging
  30. nigeria
  31. obafemi
  32. online
  33. ox
  34. peer
  35. person
  36. quality
  37. real
  38. reengineering
  39. reimagine
  40. rock
  41. scale
  42. stage
  43. students
  44. technologies
  45. technology
  46. terms
  47. transform
  48. undergoing
  49. university
  50. videos
  51. virtual
  52. years